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“Śpiewanki Wielkopolskie” CD

Songs from the album 'Śpiewanki Wielkopolskie' produced by the Musical Theater in Poznań




The Poznań branch of the Institute of National Remembrance is one of the partners who helped with the CD entitled “Śpiewanki Wielkopolskie”, released by Muzyczny Theatre in Poznań on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence and of the outbreak of the Greater Poland Uprising.

The CD features 18 songs, such as “Wojenko, wojenko, cóżeś ty za pani”, “Marsylianka Wielkopolska”, “Gdy szedłem raz od warty” and “Wśród nocnej ciszy pod Lwowem”. The CD comes with a songbook which includes the music score and lyrics. The songs were recorded on 22 June 2018 during a concert commemorating the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence, the 100th anniversary of the Greater Poland Uprising and the 1050th anniversary of the Poznań Bishopric. On that day, nearly 20000 people gathered on Ostrów Tumski in Poznań to listen to these songs associated with the Uprising and which referred to the tradition of independence deeply rooted in Greater Poland. The repertoire was arranged by Radosław Mateja and Michał Łaszewicz, who was also the music director of the project. The concert was performed by soloists and the orchestra of Muzyczny Theatre in Poznań, the AMU Academic Choir and other invited guests. The audience was happy to join in the singing.

Here we present you with selected pieces with the lyrics and score, hoping that they will inspire you to take a closer look at the tradition and history of Poland and Greater Poland. The songs carry the spirit and enthusiasm manifested by the Poles during our fight for Independence.


Song titles and order:

  • 01 - Gdy szedłem raz od warty
  • 02 - Wśród nocnej ciszy pod Lwowem
  • 03 - Dziewiętnasty, rok dwudziesty
  • 07 - Hej, nasza kompania
  • 08 - Naprzód, poznański pułku pierwszy
  • 12 - Marsylianka Wielkopolska