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26 December 1918

Ignacy J. Paderewski’s arrival in Poznań

– The Command of the 5th Army Corps in Poznań got a disposition from Berlin that Paderewski should be informed at the Poznań railway station that the German government was allowing him to travel from Gdańsk to Warsaw, but without a stop in Poznań.

– Paderewski arrives at 8:00 pm. He is accompanied by his wife Helena, his secretary and members of the British military mission. Among the cheering crowd, in the light of torches, as the Germans did not light the city lamps, the popular artist and politician made his way the “Bazar” Hotel. There, he made a speech to the audience. For fear of being associated with the uncontrolled events in the city (which would make his diplomatic position in Paris and Warsaw complicated), he did not make any further public appearances in the city.