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16 January 1919

Ignacy Jan Paderewski becomes Prime Minister

Paderewski. The change was enthusiastically accepted by members of the Supreme People’s Council and by a number of communities in Greater Poland. In the new government, the Poznań region was represented by two ministers.

– Insurgent forces were estimated at approximately 13900 soldiers.

– Fierce battles for, among others, Kamionna on the western front. The Germans occupied the town first, forcing insurgents to retreat to the village of Prusy. Later, thanks to reinforcements sent from Kwilcz and Kolno, the Poles managed to recapture Kamionna. 8 Polish soldiers were killed and more than ten were wounded

– Publication of “Tygodnie Urzędowy Naczelnej Rady Ludowej”, the name of which, on 20 March, was changed to “Tygodnik Urzędowy”, started. The weekly publication included resolutions and decrees issued by the Supreme People’s Council. On 10 April, a resolution was issued ordering the removal of all German names from railway stations, public buildings and streets, and their replacement with Polish names by the end of the month. Additionally, the Polish Eagle had to be mounted on buildings. For failure to follow the order, a fine would be charged or punishment in the form of up to 2 years of imprisonment would be imposed.